sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Investigation about toys

First of all, we want to wish you all a Happy New Year 2014. We will do our best to encourage our students to go on day by day.

We want to take advantage of the presents given  by Santa Claus and The Three Kings and want to use it as an excuse to learn more vocabulary, directly connected to the interests of the students.

So, to start, I personally brought to the classroom a Red Coat Playmobil, as one of those in the picture. Showing 'my favourite toy', I taught them 5 new words:
hat, feather, red coat, rifle and sword. Quite obvious in the toy but brand new for them.

Members of the Green Team, both from 1º A and 1º B, will bring next Monday their favourite toys according to these rules:
- only one toy
- a toy which can be brought inside their bags
- they have to explain in front of the class starting with 'This is my favourite toy'
- they need to say five words to describe the toy.

Members of the other teams will bring their toys accordingly during the week.

Sirva esta nota para justificar que los chavales tienen que traer un juguete al cole, porque lo dice el profesor de inglés. Es que si no, puede sonar raro... Toca investigar qué 5 palabras describen el juguete, habrá que investigar cómo se dicen en inglés y habrá que practicar para ir ganando soltura en las exposiciones.

Un saludo,
Profesores de 1º

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