miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Febrero se va y llega el C A R N A V A L

Singing and dancing
Este mes de febrero se va; hemos tenido muchas actividades; algunas con escaso resultado como la visita al circo, y otras muy buenas como la de música junto a los chavales de infantil 5 años y la visita al teatro (en inglés) a Colmenar Viejo.
A fake visit to the circus.

Camino de Colmenar

The play as seen by our students

February is almost gone and we have had a lot of activities. The one of the circus caused dejection due to the lack of spirit of its people in charge, but we enjoyed very much the musical one with the Early Years 5 and the visit to Colmenar Viejo to attend the play 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears'.

Además, tenemos encima el carnaval. Según las informaciones que se han facilitado, el martes 4 de marzo haremos un desfile por El Molar, por las calles por las que nos autoriza la policía municipal, claro.

And, for an end, Carnival is coming!. According to officials, we will parade on Tuesday March the 4th along selected streets in El Molar.

Esperando que haga buen tiempo, os dejamos instrucciones y referencias para confeccionar los disfraces de "Los Caballeros y Damas de Corte" del siglo XVI. Para cualquier duda, no duden en contactarnos.

We hope the weather will be fine. Meanwhile, find herewith instructions about how to make the gentleman and ladies costumes according to the 16th Century fashion. Contact us for any further information you may need.
Traje de caballero

Traje de dama de corte

Esquema traje de caballero

Esquema traje de dama

sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014

An intense week

The second week of February started with a snowfall; nothing serious if we compare it with those of the East Coast of the US or even with the thick layer in the Guadarrama range, but enough for us to enjoy a little bit:

Teachers pose with their creation
Snowball battle
Drying time

Our snowman

Then, on Friday 14th, Sebas delighted us during our Arts & Crafts class with a show about decoration on fruits and vegetables; have a look:
Sebas in action
Is this Nemo or his father?

Mr. Penguin out of a eggplant
What's this...?
Sebas starts another one...
A whale out of another eggplant

Meanwhile, a Chinese Dragon visited us coming from Early Years education building. A strong smell of powder warned us that something strange was going to happen...

Members of the procession
Children cheer the dragon

it was a shark

and in Valetine's Day, red roses out of strawberries.

A view of Sebas' creations.
We had wonderful days. Enjoy the pictures!

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014


Please note that students of Primary 1st year will take a serious exam next Monday, 17th February about Unit 5.
Test will be on pages 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 of the "Blue Book", or Family and Friends 1 Workbook.

Excercises will be the SAME, so please, have a look and review material to check if every excercise is done and corrected.

We will use prepositions:  ON, UNDER and IN
Vocabulary on parks: frisbee, kite, ball, seesaw, swing, slide, tree...
We will draw and colour READING instructions.

It is very important they read and understand.

Good luck, brave people!