domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Our year is over

We all want to thank you all for all the effort, comprehension and help in the tasks carried out during this academic year.
A non-sense system by the direction of the Madrid Education Board does not allow us to ensure the continuity of the educational process next year in the same school. Nevertheless, we will try!


martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Road Safety

On Monday we practiced the information given by local police of El Molar about road safety.
We brought to our school roller skates, bikes, skate boards and our helmets!
The students prepared with paper a police agent cap, they coloured a traffic lights poster and drove around the circuit. We enjoyed it!
Have a look at the pictures.
Folding paper for the cap

Colour it!
Traffic circuit

Roundabouts demand attention

Cap is ready

Colouring posters

Say cheese...!

Skaters and rollers

Jam around the roundabout

Passion for speed

Pay attention to the police agent

Wish they pay THIS attention to me!

I am watching you...

Our work

Traffic lights by Aya

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Fin de curso

¡Alegría! ¡Alegría!, ¡que se acaba el curso...!
Estimados todos:

De cara al final de curso y para poder organizar la entrega de notas, os informamos de que la entrega de notas oficial tendrá lugar el día 25 de junio. Todo se acaba y este curso tampoco va a ser la excepción a la regla universal.

Si los estudiantes no van a poder venir ese día porque os vais de vacaciones (o por otro motivo cualquiera), os pedimos que nos lo comuniquéis tanto a Yolanda como a mí mismo para poder haceros un hueco y entregároslas antes.

Aprovechamos para deciros que el próximo lunes 16 de junio tenemos un taller práctico de educación vial, en el que los chavales podrán disfrutar conduciendo por un circuito poniendo en práctica lo aprendido, bajo la supervisión de la policía local.

Los estudiantes tienen que traer algo que ruede: bicicleta, patines, patinete, skate-board o similar. Tiene que traer una pegatina o etiqueta con el nombre y el curso del propietario.

Deberán traer casco también.

Entrarán por la puerta de vehículos para dejar el material rodante en la pista roja.

El casco sí lo llevarán a clase.

Es preferible que no traigan mochila de ruedas porque necesitan las dos manos.

¡A disfrutar!

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Intense June

It is said that the name of the month June is due to the Roman goddess Juno, protector and special counselor of the state. Protection is that our brave studentsneed  for their final effort of this Primero de Primaria 2013-14 academic year.

During the latest weeks, we have been doing lots of things: we went to La Penuela sports resort to enjoy skating and playing golf, football and paddle. We stamped our hands on a Peace Wall and finally we have visited the MAN, not such a Human being but the Museo Arqueológico Nacional in Madrid downtown.

This has been a wonderful morning, travelling on the bus and there we visited the different areas of the Pre History, the Metal Eras, Pre Romans Iberian people, Roman civilization and we skipped the Middle Ages area and Ancient Greece rooms too. Our final stage was the Egyptians mummies and the archaeological remains which Spanish explorers brought form Egypt at the beginning of 20th Century.
Details are shown in the revue that Arco de la Sierra school will publish soon.

Enjoy the pictures and thanks to all for your cooperation!

Peace Wall
Ready to print

Wash your hands after task

Press firmly, please...!

The final tree

Peñuela Sports Resort

Skaters pose for pictures

Paddle trainning

Queue up for penalty shoot-out

Relax after effort


Football pitch

Something is moving inside...

Interesting metal bulls

Morning snack before entering the Museum

Warriors ready to face the mistery...

Students pictured after the visit